Staunton River Trout Fishing (VA – Off Rapidan)
The trail leading up to the Staunton River runs on a very gradual uphill slope. It’s easy to find the turn
Little Irish Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Stocked Section)
Another place to go immediately after stocking… don’t bother otherwise.
Hazel River Trout Fishing (VA – Lower Section)
Gentle hike up a gradual slope leads to good water.
Pedlar River Trout Fishing (VA – Northern DH Access Point)
The northern access point to the Pedlar offers up another tough hike to reach the river.
Pedlar River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle DH Access Point)
A steep hikes leads to good water.
North Fork of the Thornton Trout Fishing (VA)
Decent fishing for those who are willing to walk
Back Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Sherando Lake)
Another instance of road fishing
Pedlar River Trout Fishing (VA – Southern Delayed Harvest Access)
The southern access point to the Pedlar DH section features superb scenery
Mills Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Wild Section)
A long walk to pretty decent water.
Mills Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Stocked Section)
Brutal bushwhacking for nothing
Upper Rapidan Trout Fishing (VA – Gate to Camp Hoover)
Park in one of the two turnouts and walk down the steep path past a nice campsite and begin fishing upstream. If you walk up the road, you’ll need to bushwhack your way over to the river before it enters a steep “canyon” that would make access more of an exercise in climbing than fishing.
Big Marys Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
Big Marys Creek runs through a deep cut in the western slope of the Blue Ridge
St Marys River Trout Fishing (VA – Trout)
A pristine river in a tight, scenic valley – good deal.
Coles Run Reservoir Trout Fishing (VA)
The feeder stream at the southern end of the lake has promise…
Big Run Trout Fishing (VA)
Whoa!! Now THIS was a HIKE!! 9.95 miles… 1,967 foot vertical!
Passage Creek Trout Fishing (VA – DH Downstream)
The delayed harvest area downstream from the parking area is good water
Passage Creek Trout Fishing (VA – South End)
The southern end of Passage has deep water and thick brush.
Peters Mill Trout Fishing (VA – Stocked Section)
Nothing to write home about here!
Jackson River Trout Fishing (VA – Petticoat Junction)
I did not spend much time here – just a quick check on conditions and access
Hogcamp Branch Trout Fishing (VA)
The Hogcamp is a good diversion on your hike back from fishing the Rose
Jackson River Trout Fishing (VA – Indian Gap)
Only a short stop at Indian Gap – enough to appreciate its potential
Rose River Trout Fishing (VA – Skyline Drive)
A brutal trout hike puts us on the cold, clear water of the Rose below Skyline Drive
Jackson River Trout Fishing (VA – Hidden Valley)
A long hike will put you on some good water on the Jackson… and no King’s Grant issues to worry about
Pedlar River Trout Fishing (VA – DH Section)
A long drive over a bumpy road puts you on decent water.
Jones Run Trout Fishing
If you undertake this brutal hike only to fish Jones Run, you will be disappointed.
Jackson River Trout Fishing (VA-Smith Bridge)
The parking area is wide and broad with two small paths leading to the river directly downstream of the bridge.
Robinson River Trout Fishing (VA – Rt 600 Mile 2)
Mile 2 is a good section to fish after it is stocked
White Oak Canyon Trout Fishing (VA)
A rough mountain climb leads to a few crystal clear pools framed by stark rock cliffs
Rose River Trout Fishing (VA – Below Park)
Let’s break up the summer with a report on trout!
Doyles River Trout Fishing (VA – Lower Section in Park)
A 7 mile hike with a 1,500 ft vertical drop protects a Park jewel
Rose River Trout Fishing (VA – Shenandoah Park Lower)
Bear! It just added to the overall ambiance of the Park
Thompson WMA Trout Fishing (VA)
In season, this is probably a pretty good spot.
Conway River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle)
The Conway is not as stressful as Devil’s Ditch
Devil’s Ditch Trout Fishing (VA)
Brutal bushwhacking on a pristine stream! Wonderful!
Hughes River Trout Fishing (VA – Park at Mile 1.5 upstream)
Brutal bushwhacking produces bountiful brookies
Chopawamsic Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Quantico MCB)
A new policy at Quantico makes this a good destination for trout hikers
Robinson River Trout Fishing (VA – Rt 600 Mile 1)
Good stocked water where the Robinson joins the Rose
Smith River Trout Fishing (VA – Field Ave Bridge)
Easy access to a wide, deep stretch of the Smith River south of Bassett, VA.
Rapidan River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle Upper)
I began to work at the pool and was totally stunned to tie into a 14-inch trout on the third or fourth cast
South River Trout Fishing (VA – Constitution Park)
Volunteering at the Virginia Fly Festival provides a cover story to hit the South River again.
Smith River Trout Fishing (VA – Gov Stanley Hwy)
Another nice section of the Smith that runs next to a factory
NF Moormans Trout Fishing (VA)
No pot of gold at the end of this rainbow either …
South River Trout Fishing (VA – Hopeman Parkway)
The center of the fallfish universe – found in Waynesboro!
SF Moormans Trout Fishing (VA)
No pot of gold at the end of this rainbow…
Crooked Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Lower Fee Fishing)
After fishing the middle and upper parts of Crooked Creek, I did a quick recon of the rest of the fee fishing area.
Big Stony Trout Fishing (VA – Columbia Furnace Upstream)
A pleasant spot worth a visit later in the season
German River Trout Fishing (VA)
A nice, sunny Sunday provides the opportunity to do a recon of the German River
South Fork Holston Trout Fishing (VA – Buller Catch and Release)
The Buller Hatchery has a 1/2 mile long catch and release section
South River Trout Fishing (VA – Ridgeview Park)
Nothing compelling to recommend it other than a place to take your kids for a picnic
Rose River Trout Fishing (VA – Above Syria)
The Rose River above Syria should be no different than the section in the Park
Chopawamsic Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Bottom Section)
The stocked signs were here, but the trout were not
Smith River Trout Fishing (VA – Trenthill)
The river runs next to a factory, but that does not bother the trout
Dry River Trout Fishing (VA – Lower Section)
The Dry River is one of my favorite waters within a reasonable distance of Northern Virginia
Crooked Creek Trout Fishing (VA – East Fork)
A mistake puts me on the wrong body of water
Big Stony Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Below Columbia Furnace)
Murray says that Big Stony Creek is one of the best stocked waters in Virginia
Little Stony Creek Trout Fishing (VA – FR92 Downstream)
Nothing moving in late December – tough fishing and hiking
Paddy Run Trout Fishing (VA – Middle Access Point)
Paddy Run is a pleasant surprise!
Upper Passage Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
Upper Passage Creek is starkly different from the other sections which are miles downstream.
River Valley Trout Fishing (VA – Fee Fishing)
fished River Valley Farms under the worst possible river conditions, but you would not know it from my results.
Crooked Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Middle Section)
I felt like I drove into a mall parking lot
Happy Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
Easy access to one mile of stocked water in the heart of Front Royal
South River Trout Fishing (VA – Waynesboro DH Section)
Next time, I’ll start farther up into the delayed harvest section
Hawksbill Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
If you don’t mind getting advice from the folks walking by, Hawksbill is a pretty nice spot during the stocking season.
Passage Creek Trout Fishing (VA – DH Section Upstream)
Nope. Passage Creek is no different in the fall on a weekday in the delayed harvest section. This place is under constant pressure….
Jennings Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
Jennings Creek = Passage Creek … just in a different part of the state
Sugar Hollow Reservoir Fishing (VA)
Sugar Hollow Reservoir is a tough nut to crack – bank fishing only.
Dan River Trout Fishing (VA – Powerhouse Upstream)
Stunning beauty, empty water?
Smith River Trout Fishing (VA – Bassett/Special Reg)
The Smith River is the tailwater flowing out of Philpott – native browns!
Moormans River Trout Fishing (VA – TU Section)
Pathetic end of season location ….. bad advice brought me here on June 13.
Dry River Trout Fishing (VA – Upper)
Need a trout fix in the middle of summer?
SF Holston Trout Fishing (VA – Buller Dam)
The SF of the Holston up by Buller Dam was a washout on the day I was there.
Big Wilson Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Lower)
Lower Big Wilson, above the stocked area, offers a nice walk to nice brookies and rainbows
Skidmore Fork of the Dry River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle)
Heading downstream from the parking lot reveals a dramatically different section
Skidmore Fork of the Dry River Trout Fishing
It’s a long hike that leads to a short, pleasant meadow stream under the dam
Hughes River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle Section)
Even though this was road fishing, I had a great time
Little Wilson Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
The Little Wilson is a tight, small stream where it slams into Big Wilson Creek in the Grayson Highlands State Park
Rose River Farm Trout Fishing (VA – Fee Fishing)
There should be a warning about places like this…. “Monsters lurk here…”
Chopawamsic Creek Trout Fishing (Quantico MCB – middle section)
Quantico MCB offers good trout fishing for about two weeks after each stocking
North River Gorge Trout Fishing (VA)
A long walk puts you onto great water.
Passage Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Put and Take)
While Passage is heavily pressured, it is a pleasant place to wet a line
Peters Mill Trout Fishing (VA)
A trickle of water that limps downstream towards Passage Creek
Fox Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
I did a drive-by of Fox Creek – it needs further investigation
Bullpasture Gorge Trout Fishing (VA)
A nice section of water – very, very scenic and has trout!
Rapidan River Trout Fishing (VA-Graves Mill)
The pools were nice. Every large rock formation here marks a pool that is a few feet deep.
Whitetop-Laurel Trout Fishing (VA – Upper)
The Virginia Creeper Trails makes for easy walking next to Whitetop-Laurel
Laurel Run Trout Fishing (VA – Goshen Pass)
A hard walk, tough terrain – not much payoff.
Big Tumbling Creek Trout Fishing (VA)
Set aside the “pay to fish” implication and this is a pristine stream in a very scenic environment
Pedlar River Trout Fishing (FR135)
A quick, easy hike puts you on some nice water in this section of the Pedlar
Big Wilson Creek Trout Fishing (VA – Upper)
Ice out! I break a trail in the snow to trek down to the upper section of Big Wilson Creek
Dry River Trout Fishing (VA – Middle)
The Dry River has good pools and active trout – even in late summer.
Back Creek Trout Fishing (Pumping Station)
The Back Creek Pumping Station is a nice section that was improved and maintained by the power company.
Rose River Trout Fishing (VA – Below Syria)
The stocked section of the Rose extends down below Syria
Muddy Run Trout Fishing (Off the Jackson)
Muddy Run joins the Jackson a bit before the start of the special regulation area. For those who like bushwacking, head on up!
Jackson River Trout Fishing (Hidden Valley – South)
A real treasure, a pleasure to visit… this place is sweet!
Jackson River Trout Fishing (Gathright Dam)
A great disappointment – this amounted to only about an eighth of a mile of interesting water – a total and complete waste of time.
Roaring Run Trout Fishing (VA)
Looking for trophy trout? Don’t look here.