The CatchGuide Blog
Hacking Fly Fishing
Kayak Hacks

Fly Boxes

Packing Heat! Hot Flies!

Not concealed weapons, but something infinitely more important and precious – hot flies! Just as a pistol requires a unique size holster, different flies require storage containers with specific characteristics as well as an overall organization strategy.

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Fly Type Basics (Part 1)

Before I took up fly fishing, I knew about black flies, horse flies, tsetse flies and vaguely remembered nymphs from Greek mythology. Fly fishing flies? Well, here is part 1 of the basics.

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Fishing bike build

Fishing Bike Build – For Beach or Trail

With hard packed sand at low tide making it easy for a beach bike ride, I built a beach bike to move quickly with my bike fishing rod carrier and accessories. I use a milk crate on a bike fishing rack with saddlebags for my bike fishing bag.

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Frogs Fanny Floatant

All about Floatants for Fly Fishing

Floatant? Trout feed below the surface 80% of the time and that statistic should push the rational trout angler to fish exclusively with nymphs to catch more fish. However, the excitement of a trout slurping a dry fly on the surface is compelling and is the visual pot of gold at a rainbow ending in a sparkling pool high in the mountains.

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Split shot on tippet

Solving Slipping Shot on Tippet (Part 2)

As hard it is for a new fly angler to achieve the perfect cast to the right position and manage the movement of the fly through the sweet spot with a drag free drift, nothing will make you want to scream at the sky more than seeing that all the shot slipped down the tippet to nestle up against your fly and ruined the entire presentation.

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Stack of tippet spools

Tips on Tippet

As a fly angler, you’ve already learned what tippet is. You know, it’s the stuff that breaks when you have a beautiful fish on. Thankfully, once you learn the ins and outs of matching the right type and size to your conditions, you will lose fewer fish.

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