The CatchGuide Blog
Fat Tire eBike Fishing!

ebikes for Seniors – Comfort! How To Choose The Right Electric Bike-Episode 4 using Magicycle ebikes
A key criteria regarding ebikes for seniors is that they use a comfortable e bike.

ebikes for Seniors – How to Get the Most ebike Range – Episode 3 using Magicycle ebikes
When looking at ebikes for seniors, you want an ebike range that is matched to your recreation.

ebikes for Seniors-How To Choose The Right Electric Bike Powertrain-Episode 2 using Magicycle ebikes
When looking at ebikes for seniors, a critical decision in choosing the right electric bike is to select the right ebike power.

eBikes for Seniors – How To Choose The Right Electric Bike Style – Episode 1 using Magicycle ebikes
The first decision to make about ebikes for seniors is to choose the right electric bike style.

Fishing e Bike Accessories and Parts
I had to add a number of e bike accessories and parts to customize my ebike for fishing.

Beach eBike Fishing? Xnito E Bike Helmet Vs Bike Helmet
There is a saying among kayakers that the word is “when,” not “if” you will eventually flip.

Ebike Beach Cruiser – Vanpowers Manidae Fat Tire Powerhouse
The Vanpowers Manidae is a fat tire beast on the beach! In this ebike beach cruiser review, I look at the Vanpowers Manidae and how it performs in a challenging beach setting, riding it off road in all types of beach sand.

No Fear: Ebike Off Road Test using the Powerful Vanpowers Manidae Fat Tire Bike
I take the Vanpowers Manidae fat tire ebike off road to see if it qualifies as a nimble mountain bike.

Ebike Beach Cruiser – Easy with NO Power?
If you use a beach bike for fishing what happens when you remove the battery from your ebike beach cruiser to take it places that do not allow an electric bicycle?