The CatchGuide Blog
Fat Tire eBike Fishing!

Velotric Nomad 1 Fat Tire E-Bike Assembly
The Velotric Nomad 1 fat tire step-through ebike is easy to assemble if you follow a logical process.

eBike Fishing Setup – Quick Milk Crate Attachment
How to build a milk crate to haul your fishing gear on an ebike.

Electric Bicycle Maintenance after Beach Ride
There are two levels of electric bicycle maintenance you must not forget to do after coming back from riding your fat tire beach cruiser through sand and water.

Shark Fishing From The Beach NC using Fat Tire Beach Bike
I take my beach bike for fishing out to do some shark fishing from the beach near Oak Island, NC,

Best Fat Tire Electric Bike – Magicycle vs Multijoy ebikes
If you are looking for the best fat tire electric bike, check out my startling recommendation

Multijoy Fat Tire Electric Bike Review – Pros and Cons
I review the features of the Multijoy fat tire ebike, and point out the pros and cons I discovered.

E Bike Review – MokWheel Upland Plus, Test Ride, and Assembly
Complete review of the Mokwheel Upland Plus ebike

Selecting a Fat Tire Ebike for Surf Fishing
Here are some tips on picking the best ebike for beach fishing

Fat Tire Electric Bike- Magicycle Fat Tire Cruiser
I review the Magicycle fat tire beach cruiser