New Fly Guy – Funny, funny instructional videos!
Here are a few links to funny fly fishing videos
Here are a few links to funny fly fishing videos
I find a document that give guidance on public land in the George Washington National Forest
We lucked out shad fishing on the Rappahannock
Shad fishing starts on the Rappahannock when the cherry blossoms bloom!
Know what to do if you encounter a bear
You need to understand how to wade safely in streams and rivers
Here is are some tips from guide, Mike Pehanich
We ran out to Mosquito Lagoon on the East Coast of Florida, where he launched his homemade plywood boat into the clear water.
The lesson learned in all this is to not turn up our noses at the small ponds.
In the January issue of In-Fisherman, there was a short article in the “From the Lab” section that discussed the impact of odor on bass.
Use the Predictive Gages to estimate future water levels in rivers
After three years of trying to find the time to participate in the shad run on the Rappahannock, I finally got there last Friday. I have to admit that I am tragically depressed after this experience. I can’t believe I didn’t make time to do this earlier. This was a fantastic, great time! The first
If you worry about losing your keys while fishing, here is a backup truck key storage solution.
Fly fishing provides a significant advantage over spin fishing in fast water.
I had to go to Orlando for a business trip during the week after Thanksgiving. Every time I go on a trip that extends to Thursday or Friday, I immediately evaluate the opportunity to extend that trip into a local fishing expedition. In this case, I decided to take vacation and go down a few
It’s winter. I’m cold. I want sun. This summer, my son’s wedding was a destination wedding. The bride’s family normally does a reunion on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, so they decide to wrap the wedding into that annual event. The basswife, who is a beach lover from way, way back, instantly ratified that
I get seasick. I attached my seasick patch, brought some bonine tablets and said many prayers for calm water.
For trout, I’m a catch and release kind of guy. I’ll eat any walleye that’s legal and keep a bass or two if they are larger than 15 inches, but trout have generally been off limits. For one, they are a hassle to cook – have plenty of bones – and the ones I catch
Here is an idea for crappie anglers to consider
Here is a tip to avoid puncturing your waders on bushes
Here are a few excuses you can use to go fishing
I take a look at the Flyfisher’s Guide to Virginia
I hate bugs. The worst thing about being on the stream is dealing with them.
I was fishing on Seneca Creek in Gaithersburg the other day and a pit bull runs up…
I was fishing on the Gunpowder River for trout and did not put on the Ivy Block for some reason.
What you wear when fishing for trout might matter more than you think.
It is very easy to transfer human smells to your lure just by tying it onto your line.
there is camping available in the Potomac State Forest when fishing for trout
We dropped into the water on Turville Inlet south of Ocean Pines.
If there is one thing that the Basswife likes better than bass fishing, it’s baking on a beach – so I go surf fishing.
It’s June… must be time for the annual pilgrimage to Lake Erie in pursuit of the elusive Walleye.
I have not seen much published on casting techniques for trout fishing
Great issue of BassMaster this month. It had a super article on the hot colors to use for largemouth bass.