New Fly Guy – Pin Trick
If you have trouble clearing plugged fly hook holes, take this fly fishing tip to the bank
If you have trouble clearing plugged fly hook holes, take this fly fishing tip to the bank
I suggest an easy way to store and carry fly fishing dropper flies
Learn from my mistake hauling my fly rod
You should get this months issue of Field & Stream if the only thing you read is the article by John Merwin titled, “The Ultimate Line Experiment.” John discusses the best knots to use for different situations and completed a thorough regimen of strength testing that reveals some surprising results. The article includes a discussion
This stuff is the same as frogs fanny floatant
The purpose of the knot is to make your tippet extend from your fly in a perpendicular direction.
Use these waders instead of hip waders
This will change the way you approach and work water
Here is a hack to make it easy to measure the length of fish
It’s been over three years since I started my journey into fly fishing. In that time, I evolved through many different approaches to storing and carrying flies. I’ve been a bit frustrated with all of them because the boxes I was using took up so much space. Part of it was that, as a new
There are a few things you can do if the tip of your fly line keeps sinking and ruining the drift of your fly. This is something that is more likely to happen in turbulence or a fast current. You can do is put some paste floatant on the tip of your fly line or
About eight years ago, I had an epiphany as I wandered the aisles of Bass Pro Shop. Up to that point, I had pretty much been a fisherman who relied on spinners, top water plugs, and crank baits. But on this day, as I looked up and down the aisles in the fishing section, the
I was not very far into my pursuit of smallies this summer when I started to get all sorts of line twist when I was throwing heavy poppers or bigger terrestrials. There were times when it was so bad that I could see the fly spin like a propeller on the end of the line
I can’t tell you how much money I spent on the leaders in my first year of fly fishing. Over the winter, I read an article somewhere that shared the following trick with me. It’s simple and addresses the problem of “using up” your leader. As a New Fly Guy, I knew that I had
Where do people learn to fly fish? In a class? On the lawn practicing? Or through the school of hard knocks? I’m sure most folks would agree that it ain’t book learning that moves you up the competence curve – it’s applied experience. But, fly fishing is much harder to learn and master than spin
A solution to hold your pre-rigged tandem nymphs for fly fishing
After losing two boxes of flies, I had to come up with a solution.
Here are two items that you can live without.
It’s been three months since I started fly fishing, what have I learned about strategies, flies, and the proper fish attack weapons?
When you are a new fly guy, the tendency is to overspend and get one of everything.
Now that I have all this fly stuff, what’s the best way to haul it around?
the Boles float Rite is that it is made out of polypropylene that does not suck up water
Nothing like a little visual reality to bring you back to earth…
After watching the Lessons tape twice, I worked on putting the pointers into practice.
The Lessons with Lefty DVD helped me learn fly fishing
I have officially launched down the path to learn how to fly fish.