New Fly Guy – Self Casting Clinic

Nothing like a little visual reality to bring you back to earth…

After getting my fly starter kit for Christmas, I’ve been able to get out and practice a bit on the few warm days.  After the last practice, I was feeling pretty good about getting a handle on casting.  The fly was not snagging my ear or putting my eye out, it appeared to be going out all the way and not landing in a clump of line, and I was not hearing the sonic boom on the back cast.

With the warm weather a weekend or so back, I decided to venture down to the Lake Ridge Park where I could actually practice on water – everything I have read or viewed to date indicates that water is actually different from grass – – who would have thought?

I had to dodge huge mounds of goose and bird poop to work my way to the end of the dock.  Once positioned, I practiced for a while, getting the hang of the additional tension the water would load onto the line and then set up my digital camera in the movie mode to take a shot of my technique.  When I looked at the results, I was horrified and delighted at the same time.

As you can see above, I am making the rookie mistake of most spinfishers who switch to flies.  I am allowing my wrist to break on the back cast with the rod ending up almost parallel to the ground.  The symptom I noticed, but did not connect until I looked at the video was that the fly would splash into the water on the backcast.  Easy to see why here – the last motion of the rod forces the line down towards the water instead of creating a loop that shoots straight back.

Video – Bad Cast
Video – “Good” Cast

As bad as I am on the back cast, it looks like the forecast is coming together.  The Lefty tape clearly described that the end of the cast should be like throwing a dart – not a downward motion.  In addtion, the target is not the water, rather the water at eye level.  It looked like I was working that aspect of the cast fine here, but wonder if I am putting too much effort into the completion.  My leg lifts and I am pushing the rod hard to the front – actually inducing a bit of fatigue in the casting arm.

All this will get sorted out as I continue to work this and actually get a lesson when the weather warms up.

Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore

This example is a bit better.  There will be some transition past vertical, but probably should not be as much as here.  On this series of casts, I did not notice that the fly smacked the water to my rear, but I do think I was breaking my wrist even in this shot.  I read on the Orvis beginner site, that the backcast should stop when the fly leaves the water – regardless of angle.  The reason is that the rod quits taking on a load when the surface tension is broken.  Makes sense – I’ll have to try that next time out as I also control the wrist action.

As bad as I am on the back cast, it looks like the forecast is coming together.  The Lefty tape clearly described that the end of the cast should be like throwing a dart – not a downward motion.  In addtion, the target is not the water, rather the water at eye level.  It looked like I was working that aspect of the cast fine here, but wonder if I am putting too much effort into the completion.  My leg lifts and I am pushing the rod hard to the front – actually inducing a bit of fatigue in the casting arm.

All this will get sorted out as I continue to work this and actually get a lesson when the weather warms up.

Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore

Articles on this site are out of date since some go back to 2006. Regulations and property ownership may have changed since publication. It is your responsibility to know and obey all regulations and not trespass on private property.

Disclaimer and Warning:  The contents of this site reflect the opinion of the author and you, the reader, must exercise care in the use and interpretation of this information.  Fishing is a dangerous sport.  You can slip and fall on rocks and sustain severe injury.  You can drown.  You can get hooks caught in your skin, face, eyes or other sensitive places.  All sorts of bad things can happen to you when to go into the woods to visit the places documented here.  Forests, streams and lakes are wild areas and any number of bad things can happen.  You must make your own judgment in terms of acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on anything posted here.  I disclaim all liability and responsibility for any actions you take as a result of reading the articles on this site.  If you do not agree with this, you should not read anything posted on this site.

Disclaimer and Warning:  The contents of this site reflect the opinion of the author and you, the reader, must exercise care in the use and interpretation of this information.  Fishing is a dangerous sport.  You can slip and fall on rocks and sustain severe injury.  You can drown.  You can get hooks caught in your skin, face, eyes or other sensitive places.  All sorts of bad things can happen to you when to go into the woods to visit the places documented here.  Forests, streams and lakes are wild areas and any number of bad things can happen.  You must make your own judgment in terms of acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on anything posted here.  I disclaim all liability and responsibility for any actions you take as a result of reading the articles on this site.  If you do not agree with this, you should not read anything posted on this site.

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