Approximate Boundary: 39.349418,-77.685648 to 39.361596,-77.677869
Type: Put and Take
Israel Creek is a nondescript, small stream that runs through a rural setting. The access points are associated with the three small roads that cross the creek. From Garretts Mill Road, turn left on Valley Road to reach the southernmost access point. There is enough parking for three or four vehicles on the west side of the bridge. Garretts Mill Road crosses the creek near a “residential” area with room for one vehicle to pull off the narrow shoulder on the east side of the creek. The northernmost access point, Frog Eye Road, has limited parking next to the creek, but there is a shoulder a short distance to the west next to the cemetery.
The creek is a narrow, freestone, shallow stretch of water that runs 15 feet wide across a bottom that is a mix of rocks and sand. The banks are congested and tight with vegetation, which makes casting a challenge. There is no discernible trail on either side of the creek; bushwhacking is required. Each of the access points features a pool near the crossing that will be the primary repository of the fish that are stocked. In general, the creek is easiest to fish from Valley Road moving upstream since the banks are not steep and the vegetation does not overlap the water. Frog Eye Road, on the other hand, is the most challenging section, with dense bushes and branches stretching across and throwing shade onto the water below.
Getting There:
East: from Frederick, drive south on US 15. Merge onto US 340 W and follow it past Brunswick to take the exit onto MD 67. Access the creek via Garretts Mill Road or Frog Eye Road.
South: From Leesburg, drive west VA 7, turning onto VA 9 towards Harpers Ferry. In Mechanicsville, turn right on SR 671/Harpers Ferry Rd and follow it to the junction with US 340. Go across the river and take the exit onto MD 67. Access the creek via Garretts Mill Road or Frog Eye Road.
Access Point: 39.349418,-77.685648, 39.352523,-77.685424 and 39.360835,-77.678665
Israel Creek Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed? No. This is a very public location that is documented in on the Maryland DNR stocking plan
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Valley Road looking upstream.

Valley Road bridge crossing – typical

Garretts Mill looking downstream

Garretts Mill upstream

Frog Eye Road – note the constricted vegetation.
Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore