This is just a quick post.
When I was down at Big Wilson and some of the other good water in that part of Virginia, at the very end of the day, I took a run by Fox Creek after reading the write-up it got in the Flyfisher’s Guide to Virginia.
The author noted that Fox Creek parallels the road. How true. As you can see from the pictures, it is a small creek with periodic turns that collect water into deeper pools.
I did not stop to fish, just looked from the road.
I could not find the places that the Flyfisher’s Guide to Virginia indicated had better access. Something about going to the pasture above the waterfall.
The folks over at the Virginia Creeper Fly Shop told me that Fox is an OK place to fish. So, it’s worth checking out on your own and taking more time than I had to do a better survey of the situation.
Getting there: Mapquest yourself to Troutville, VA. Continue south on 16 and turn west onto 603. Fox Creek picks up the road soon after the turn.

Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore