Approximate Boundary: 39.394949,-79.398433 to 39.420953,-79.424331 (2.91 miles)
DNR Guidance: Mainstem from Route 219 downstream to the Youghiogheny River.
Starting from the south, even though the stocked section begins downstream of US 219, the river is not publicly approachable. There is no parking since the road runs over a high bridge with industrial areas to the east and private property to the west. The first opportunity to fish the 20 to 30 foot wide river is near the 3rd Street bridge. There are a small number of parking areas adjacent to the bridge that will hold three or four vehicles. Upstream of the bridge, the river runs deep through a tight section that features a high northern bank clogged with vegetation. Downstream, the river flows over a rocky bottom through a small gradient break into a larger pool with high, relatively clear banks farther downstream.
The Town Park provides the best access point. In addition to fishing, feel free to participate in the farmers market that usually runs Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 AM until 2 PM. Obviously, being there during that window of time allows you to experience the greatest congestion and competition for parking. The park is on the east bank of the river and overlooks a deep section. Despite being at the edge of town, it presents a scenic picture since the river drifts underneath two bridges surrounded by bright green vegetation.
For anglers who are not mobile, there is a fishing pier at the northwest corner of the park directly adjacent to the parking lot. The deep channel pushes against the west bank. Immediately north of the Town Park sits the small Rotary Park. It provides additional shoreline access to the river near a spot where the river shallows out below the set of riffles that is the watery dividing line between the two facilities.
The final access point is near the bridge supporting the Oakland Rosedale Road and is connected to the Town Park by an improved running trail that offers easy walking to the east where the path hugs closely to the river for a thousand feet prior to moving away towards MD 39. At most, two vehicles can park in a small turnout adjacent to the bridge. The banks are high, the river runs slow and heavy vegetation makes fishing a challenge. To fish downstream, use the northern bank on the property associated with the Oakland water treatment facility.
In Oakland, turn south from US 219 on South 3rd Street and follow it to the river.
Access Point:
· South 3rd Street bridge (39.405803,-79.408389)
· Town Park on South 2nd Street (39.40852,-79.409384)
· Oakland Rosedale Road bridge (39.412391,-79.416353)
Secrets Revealed? No. This is a very public location that is documented in the Maryland DNR stocking plan.
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Southern section

In the park

Park upstream

Final bridge downstream

Running trail from the park

Final bridge upstream
Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore