Broadford Lake offers easy access to the shoreline from Recreation Lane, with the best fishing opportunity going to anglers with boats (electric motors only) that allow them to cover the entire body of water. No boat? The park is happy to rent one to you. For those willing to walk along the shoreline, the entire perimeter of the lake is accessible with how far to go limited only by the energy you want to invest. Generally, the northern end is shallow and contains the preponderance of bass-holding structures – stumps, lily pads, and other aquatic vegetation.
The proper habitat for smallmouth bass is adjacent to the dam in the south, and you never know where you may pick up a tiger musky. Caution! The DNR introduced 2,000 striped bass fingerlings in 2008, so get ready to pour water on your smokin’ drag when one of those bad boys grows up and rips into your lure!
The lake receives a decent dose of trout during the season, but in a lake this large, you will probably catch something else before you find a trout. For the family-oriented, the park has the usual collection of facilities, including picnic areas, swimming pools, and biking trails.
Getting There: From US 219 in Oakland, turn east on Memorial Drive and follow it to Broadford Road. At the intersection of Memorial and Broadford, turn left to go to the Memorial Drive access point or right for the public access and boat launch on Recreation Lane.
Access Point:
· Intersection of Memorial Drive and Broadford Road (39.420244,-79.371319)
· Parking lots adjacent to Recreation Lane (39.41637,-79.374135, 39.412805,-79.373529, 39.411168,-79.37436, 39.407799,-79.374425)
· Boat launch on Recreation Lane (39.410776,-79.374382)
Secrets Revealed? No. This is a very public location that is documented in the Maryland DNR stocking plan.
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Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore