Approximate Boundary: 39.490071,-76.902927 to 39.5009,-76.902798
For the casual, put-and-take angler, there is no more pleasant location close to Baltimore than Beaver Run. A short 20-minute drive from the I-695 Beltway puts you on the banks of a placid, easy-running stream with a rocky bottom and clear water. There is no annoying hum of traffic, only the chirping of birds and the normal fresh odors associated with a rural setting. As a result of the intrusion of private property (Beaver Run Fish and Game) in the middle, Beaver Run is split into two distinct sections. The main section is fishable from Hughes Road, while the northern stretch is adjacent to Old Kayes Mill Road. Both sections feature shoreline vegetation that could be problematic if it were not for the width of the creek. The creek runs 15 to 25 feet wide and most of the shoreline trees grow up, not over, the water. This allows for unobstructed casting.
Hughes Road runs immediately adjacent to Beaver Run and the public section starts on the north side of the bridge. The only parking off Hughes Road is immediately north of the bridge, where there is a turnoff on the right that will hold three vehicles. A quick scan of the water’s surface from any point along the road reveals a disappointing story – the creek runs shallow without decent holding positions for fish. After fishing the bridge pool, enter the water from the low bank that protects the road. Fish rapidly upstream, only focusing on the few scarce and random pools. If you fish this section, taking a quick walk upstream along the creek to discover the good places to fish will pay off as you will waste less time fishing spots that look good from creek level. Once done, move upstream to the intersection of Hughes Road and Old Kayes Mill Road.
There is plenty of parking at Old Kayes Mill Road; at least eight vehicles can squeeze into the broad shoulders on either side of the bridge. The best water is accessible from the faint trail that strikes south, downstream from the bridge, while another more obvious trail leads north to the major bridge that supports the updated section of Old Kayes Mill Road.
Since the stocked section extends approximately 1,500 feet north of the updated bridge, there is plenty of fishable water in that direction. If you prefer to attack this section in the middle, there is another, but limited, access point is across the street from a private driveway on Old Kayes Mill Road immediately to the east of the new bridge. Usually there is a DNR sign cautioning anglers to the respectful of private property that confirms the landowner’s willingness to allow you onto their property to fish this portion of the stream. However, given the biological propensity of stocked trout to swim downstream, fish upstream with low expectations.
Getting There:
East: From Baltimore, take exit 19 from I-695 onto I-795 N/Northwest Expressway towards Owings Mills. I-795 eventually turns into MD 140/Westminster Road. Continue on Westminister Road to the intersection with MD 91/Gamber Road/Emory Road. Turn left onto Gamber Road followed by a right onto Hughes Road.
West: From Frederick, drive east on I-70 and take exit 80 onto MD 32 N/Sykesville Road. Follow MD 32 to MD 91/Gamber Road. Turn right on MD 91. Follow MD 91 to eventually turn left onto Hughes Road.
Although you can see Beaver Run on the left across a field, do not park and walk to the water since this is private property. Follow Hughes Road until it crosses the creek at 39.489696,-76.902936. The first public section starts on the north side of the bridge and extends to the orange sign at 39.492146,-76.901134. The remainder of the public section is accessible from the intersection of Hughes Road with Old Kayes Mill Road at 39.495317,-76.901981.
Access Point: 39.497775,-76.90175, 39.495188,-76.902029, 39.491648,-76.901476, 39.490071,-76.902927
Beaver Run Trout Fishing Secrets Revealed? No. This is a very public location that is documented on the Maryland DNR stocking plan.
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Upstream from the Old Kayes Mill Road “old” bridge

Downstream from the bridge

Lower area looking upstream from the Hughes bridge

This bridge marks the lower boundary

The private section is well marked

This is the “updated” bridge that supports the new section of Old Kayes Mill Road
Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore