The individual location pages have been removed with the publication of this inexpensive book. The book contains details that never made it to the site – it is the ultimate, detailed reference….AND it PAYS the hosting fees for this site.
Prior to publication, the book was “fact checked” by numerous members of the Potomac River Smallmouth Club and New Horizon Bass Anglers. All their recommendations were included in the final volume. Here is some of the feedback:
“I read your book today and it is excellent. I have been a guide on the Shenandoah and Potomac for more than 30 years and your descriptions from Brunswick to Harpers Ferry are excellent.”
“Wow, what a treasure of information! What a treat to read. Thanks for doing this.”
This book walks the 57.3 miles upstream from the Chain Bridge in DC to Harpers Ferry, WV using words, annotated maps and over 200 pictures to provide you exact references while removing any doubt about what to expect in each section of the river. You can see exactly what is there before you make the long drive in the harrowing DC area traffic.
There is no more comprehensive reference. This is the ultimate source document. Steve identifies every access point in Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland and assesses the water for both wading and shoreline access. The book provides exceptionally detailed directions to the parking areas and then extends the discussion onto the river Steve tells you where to go, shows pictures along the way, and identifies the key locations that you should target.
Beyond the view of the river, Steve also explains the water flow conditions that must be met for the river to be fishable. He includes 45 tables that include the minimum and maximum water flow and temperature conditions; critical information to use prior to planning a trip. Steve does not want you to show up, excited about fishing this great body of water, and stare at a blown out river as a result of high flow conditions.
This post on Goose Creek is an example