CatchGuide Fishing Books
7 years of scouting…
100% public places…
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Your trip is a few clicks away!
Find out what to expect in 100s of different public fishing locations across multiple states. Each trip report includes GPS coordinates to help you get there, and PICTURES to allow you to assess the quality of the water!

Kayak Seat Upgrade – Air Cooled Seat!
I did an inexpensive kayak seat upgrade to add an air cooled, fan driven seat and back cushion to my kayak seat.

Underwater Fishing Camera Lessons for Beginners
Here are some underwater fishing camera lessons for beginners

Underwater Camera Fishing – Underwater “Trail Camera!” CanFish Camera
Hunters use trail cams to find prey. I used the Canfish underwater camera to do the same thing for fishing.
My channel on YouTube features kayak modifications, spin, fly and bike fishing tips, and hacks.

ebike broke my wife’s leg! Her mistake – ebike injury!
If you have an ebike, you need to be aware of the best practice to get your ebike moving from stationary. ebike safety demands you start your ride with the throttle, not the pedals.

Beach Test – Magicycle Deer (Short)
I use my Magicycle Deer to power through the soft sand to get to my favorite spot for shark fishing.

E Bike Solar Generator Tested – Bluetti Trade In Program
I test the ability of my Bluetti EB70S e bike solar generator to fully charge my ebike battery to assess its capacity for off grid use while camping.

First Shark Hunt of 2023 – Electric Bike On Beach – Tested Magicycle Deer
I roll my Magicycle Deer electric bike onto the beach as we head out for our first shark fishing trip of 2023.
My books have hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, fishing-focused content and are available in both print and Kindle formats.
Note! If you use the Kindle Reader APP on a phone or tablet, the pictures are in color.
My books have hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, fishing-focused content and are available in both print and Kindle formats.
Note! If you use the Kindle Reader APP on a phone or tablet, the pictures are in color.
My books have hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, fishing-focused content and are available in both print and Kindle formats.
Note! If you use the Kindle Reader APP on a phone or tablet, the pictures are in color.