While visiting my fishing buddy Jeff and his wife in Ocean Pines, we had a few hours to fill before we could head to the beach. So, we decided to go kayaking/canoeing. I hauled the basscanoe down with me and it does not go anywhere without the fishing rod.
We dropped into the water on Turville Inlet south of Ocean Pines. It really looked like great water. There were some baitfish skittering around on the top as we drove up. But, as soon as we put the canoe in the water and drove around for a bit, I knew this was going to be a loser. The water was only 2 feet deep. At best, it got to 3 feet. I’m not sure whether this was low or high tide, but it probably would not be productive either way.
We worked our way around the docks and the reeds with rapallas – nothing going. So, after an hour or so, we bailed out and headed for the beach.
Getting There: Can’t imagine why you would want to go here, so I won’t bother to give directions. It’s over behind the Ocean Downs Raceway.

Your blogger, the basscanoe and the Basswife – she’s always game for a fish (as long as it does not involve walking a bank where the bugs are).

My fishing buddy Jeff actually was trying to get some exercise instead of fishing. Turns out that was the better choice.

To just drive up and take a look, this was pretty nice water. Calm, still, plenty of docks and other structure to fish.

As you can see, it was not overpopulated.
Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore