What’s in the pack I haul around when I go trout-hiking? Most guys just put on their fly fishing jacket, pop a water in some pocket in the back, and head out. I’m not like that – I worry about stuff and want to be prepared.
So, I took a tip from a hunting article in field and stream and assembled a small survival pack to go with me when I go “off road”. In the Shenandoah, once you leave the trail, you are in the deep woods – anything can happen – so I am ready for it.
In addition to water and lunch, I carry the stuff on the right with me – it does not weigh much and gives me piece of mind.
From left to right, top to bottom:
Top row: Air horn, parachute cord, light stick, monocular, first aid pack, emergency poncho, tick remover
Middle row: Tissues, insect repellant, matches, magnesium fire starter, bungee cords, folding saw, water pills, folding scissors, space blanket, socks

Bottom row: Signal mirror, survival cards and spare batteries.
You never know. On a recent trip, one of the guys I was with needed some toilet paper and matches for his mosquito repelling cigar – I was ready to help – with paper, matches and repellant.
Day packs are cheap. The one I use came from WalMart for 10 bucks – works great.
Unless stated otherwise, this article was authored by Steve Moore