Baerskin Hoodie Backpack Challenge!

Baerskin asserts that the Baerskin Tactical Hoodie 3.0 can replace a backpack for a typical day hike scenario. I put that to the test by loading up the Baerskin hoodie with all my surf fishing gear and go on a hike to my “top secret” surf fishing spot. I wanted to see if I could comfortably carry the gear AND would its windsulation material keep the wind out during a day when the windspeed was over 20 mph. Is this a good surf fishing backpack? Find out.

7 years of scouting…

100% public places…

Get out there!

Want more fly fishing tips and hacks?

Check out Steve's inexpensive book available in both Kindle and Paperback.

Kindle version has color pictures when viewed on a tablet or phone.

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