
The NFL / Boat / Florida Lesson – Personal Locator Beacon!

I’ve discussed personal locator beacons (PLB) before and this is a very hard article to write. I bought the expensive one on the bottom right in 2007 as an insurance policy knowing that if I got in trouble in the woods, I could push a button and get the cavalry on the way.  The lesson of the

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Heat Packs

Against my better judgment, I saw a quick opportunity to go fishing in late December.  The weather had warmed up and was pushing 50 degrees, so I figured it would not be tooooo miserable out there.  Besides, even if I could just do a recon in anticipation of fairer weather, I would be a winner

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Please buy my books! They are cheap (and good)! 
Hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, and fishing focused discussion.

Click on the cover to go to Amazon for both print and Kindle formats.

Please buy my books! They are cheap (and good)! 
Hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, and fishing focused discussion.

Click on the cover to go to Amazon for both print and Kindle formats.

Please buy my books! They are cheap (and good)! 
Hundreds of pictures, GPS coordinates, and fishing focused discussion.

Click on the cover to go to Amazon for both print and Kindle formats.

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